The 6th edition of the Mardin Biennial, first held in 2010 with the objective of transforming Mardin into a center of contemporary art, is now open to visitors from May 10 to June 10, 2024.

This year, under the curatorship of Ali Akay, the biennial is organized with the theme "To Further Away," aiming to enhance the visibility of artistic production in the region by spreading across Mardin's historical sites and daily life. The opening ceremony was held at the German Headquarters, one of the main venues. In his opening remarks, Ali Akay expressed his gratitude to the biennial directors, Döne Otyam and Hakan Irmak, as well as the entire biennial team.

The Mardin Biennial creates a meeting space for artists, art lovers, and art professionals through contemporary art, offering various artistic events within the city's unique architecture and culture. This year, the biennial's conceptual framework addresses issues related to nature, culture, plants, animals, and different human communities by reflecting on the globalized past of societies. It provides artistic observation, thinking, and creation opportunities while seeking solutions to these issues.

The Mardin Biennial presents works by artists from a diverse range of countries, including France, Italy, Morocco, the USA, Argentina, the Netherlands, the UK, Brazil, and Germany. The exhibition features works by Ahmet Öğüt, Ali Kazma, Aslı Çavuşoğlu, Ayşe Erkmen, and numerous other artists. Furthermore, the "Invited" project, which invites actors or institutions from the art world to curate exhibitions, features the "Müşterek" exhibition as part of this initiative.