The Open Door Architecture Festival by Arkitera Architecture Center comes to life under Unigen sponsorship. Festival buildings are surprisingly good.

The Open Door Architecture Festival taking place between 15 and 22 November aims to showcase buildings of Istanbul for all the citizens.

The buildings to visit contain many of which Istanbul citizens pass by every day but never had the opportunity to stroll in. Some of the buildings of Istanbul that are subject to special access permits that hold historical and architectural importance are publicly available for visits. Some of the buildings to visit are as follows:

Surp Pirgiç Armenian Hospital

İstanbul Erkek High School

Sıpr Krikor Lusavoriç Armenian Church

French Lape Hospital

Yedikule Gazhane

Botter Apartment

Ahrida Synagogue

Surp Hıreşdagabed Armenian Church

Maçka İnönü House

Mektebi Tıbbiye

Petek Pension

Heybeliada Ruhban School