The Collective Design Guide, a product of the “kainak” project prepared by EKA Collect, a part of the Accessible City Workshop (EKA), has been published. EKA, a collective workshop group that develops projects with creative individuals from various design disciplines, realized the “kainak” project, which aims to strengthen the sense of belonging to the living space by contributing to urban design. The Collective Design Guide published within the project contains various information on what collective design is and its implementations.

“Kainak”, which stands for “people belonging to the city, city belonging to people”, explores various methods for people to participate in the design and management processes of urban space in Collective Design Guide and aims to present these methods as a guide in a way that people can easily understand. The work includes more than 20 method suggestions and short exercises to guide Collective Design. In the guide, the methods are classified according to the audience, the number of people, budget, time, and place, and the steps to be followed for each method are explained step by step, in a clear voice. Thus, it is aimed to make strategy development and decision-making processes easier and more efficient by using the guide.

Allowing people to dream about their cities and creating environments that encourage them to suggest resolutions to urban problems, facilitates the collective design and strengthens the sense of belonging. Deriving from this idea, “kainak” encourages people to be involved in the design and management of urban areas. At the same time, it aims to create a collective design awareness and plays a facilitating role on this path. The project, which supports democratic participation processes, also aims to raise awareness in this direction. It works in partnership with stakeholders working on collective consciousness to ensure that society has a say in its city.

The Collective City Guide, the product of this work, is an utterly valuable initiative for people to build cities they will be happy to live in with their participation. You can view the guide at

*Part of this article is quoted from Tahir Can Yarımoğlu’s news on